Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

The best marketing scheme ever.

Take a day named after a couple of Martyred priests and use it to sell millions of dollars worth of merchandise.

It's not that I am ag
ainst a special day to show your love, but I feel that true love should be shown every day of the year, and trust me...this type of love does exist. I have been a witness to such couple who are truly in love, however I do not have one to share this love myself. Speaking of which, I've never had the honor of actually being able to share a Valentine's Day with someone, much more a long term relationship. So naturally, you would think that I am against this holiday being celebrated, the concept yes, the love part no. However, amidst in search for this type of love, I had conjured up a plan several years ago and am currently trying to live out. Thus, my plan must be revealed. The layout is quite simple and very straightforward, yet it's what I long for.

The plan
learn Japanese, move to Japan, marry a nice Japanese girl, have kids, and enjoy life.

Happy Valentine's Day folks!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Slacker...or not/ もしかするとダサいな人になってきた?

Sorry to have kept you waiting。

This weekend was quite a busy one since I went to Hirai and visited my friend Ren then proceeded to his house. I didn't have
my computer at the time so I really had no chance of updating the blog. Unfortunate yet, I did manage to add more pics to this post.


Title/題名: Fujisan at sunsetの富士山
Location/場所:Tokai University Bldg.1 東海大学の1号館

Pretty self explanatory but, you gotta love the gradient of sunsets.

Title/題名: Fucking crip/メチャやべー
Location/場所:The shop up the street/大学から近くラーメンや。名前が忘れちゃった。
This is the real deal. Char Siu Ramen extra large serving with a side order of small size rice. Better than anything in Hawaii.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Title: Grand Canyon Burger
Location: Tokaidaigakumae station McDonald's
Description: Ok, this after a hangover is pure indulgence. Burger, Cheese, Egg, BBQ Sauce and Spicy Relish in double bun format. The advertisement for this thing is American to the max. It's only available for a limited time, sorta like the McRib. I recommend eating this as hangover food(since it's pretty much a sodium bomb) and pairing with some sort of Iced Tea.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Title: For Sale
location: Kokusai Kaikan Rm213 Kanagawa-ken Hiratsuka-shi
description: Apparently Japan has prostitution services that deliver to a desired location. I believe that most are from Korea. This little excerpt is from a catalog of prostitues that are able to provide services in the convenience of the nearest love hotel.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012年 よこそ!

Once again, I bring you back to life. This relation is bittersweet.

This journal of sorts has been neglected for quite some time. In turn, I have decided to wipe the dust off that had settled upon it during the latter half of 2011. So here we are in 2012 with a whole years worth of stories to tell. Although things in my life have drastically changed since the last post, this blog has remained the same. Dormant and cold for an entire year. Feeling somewhat sorry for the lack of usage and visitation, I have decided to conjure up this update in between having random conversations taking place in my dorm's lobby between a couple new friends and giving blank stares to the report that was due last Tuesday. I also felt that it would be a good way to start off the new year.

After reading Gary's blog, I must admit that I had a sort of revelation that inspired me to create a new post(Much kudos to you sir). With that being said and homage being paid, the first thing that I would like to inform the people who come here (and those who randomly come across this blog while misspelling the word "fresh blog") is that I will now use this blog to document my experiences in Japan. Unfortunately within the first month of being in Japan, I broke my camera and as much as I would like to say that my camera broke for no reason, I must be honest and state that I did in fact, break my camera. So that leaves me with one option for photos, my phone. The quality isn't great yet, I don't really have any other choice. Anyway it should be the thought that counts but in reality you will think my photos are shit for not being in HD format.

A bit cliche but for the better, I will be doing the whole "pic-a-day" thing where I take a picture everyday and give a brief explanation about the pic. No specifics on aperture, no multiple pictures about this and that, and no long ass essay-like explanations. Just one picture, the name of the setting, photo title and a brief thought...everyday. Hopefully, I keep this going.

Title: New Start
Location: Yokohama Bay, Japan
Description: 6 seconds into 2012 on a party boat in Yokohama Bay. An unforgettable experience limited to 55 people.

Friday, June 17, 2011


GG ジャレッドさん、
Yeah, requested account verification however, the e-mail that I am using for this blog has been deactivated.

Pandora Station: French Cafe
On another note, my last final is in 11 hours and I still need to write a short essay and study for the exam(which I might add, also contains essay questions). All of this studying has made me realize something very interesting about people. In my current place, people act like they care but, in all actuality do not give a flying fuck about you. There are good ones, perhaps not ones that I can trust but, they have good hearts...I can feel it.

East Asian History 210
My God how I love you and hate you at the very same time, how...Bittersweet?(K.West) I just thought I should cite that just in case some people view it as plagiarism of idea. Redirect to subject matter, this history has taught me a lot about how crazy Asia was in the past but then again, what country hasn't fucked up yet? Nevertheless, I am glad I am learning about this part of history as I have never delved so deep into it previously.

Anyway, I forgot to update about my purchase of a custom Specialized Langster fixed gear bike that I picked up about a month or so ago. I've been riding it all over the place and it provides a good priming for the Century Ride later this year. The unfortunate news (yet, somewhat fortunate) is that I might be in japan at the time of the ride and therefore, I might miss it. I also still have my vintage 1986 Bridgestone 400 that I just truly adore and will do everything to try and keep it running. It really is nice for those longer rides but, the fixie is great for the exercise.

God, I just met the most stunning woman since I have been at HTIC. Somewhat unexpected to say the least but, it's the ones that unexpectedly pop into your life and can create dramatic change. I hope its for the better and not a "drama creator." I really want to tell her how beautiful she is but, its quite hard for me being shy and all. If it's worth it, I'm pretty sure I'll find the courage to tell her (in my sweetest James Blunt voice) "You're Beautiful!" because in my eyes, she really is an all around beautiful person. However, love is fickle and you can never know the outcome and with that being said, I must understand that this is all a gamble. But before you criticize what I just said and question me, just understand that I am a logic-whore who analyzes things to find the best possible outcome. A relationship however, does take two people to make it work and being that I just met this girl, I'm not about to tell her that I love her, cause I really don't know her inside and out (perverse pun intended?). Anyway, I simply just want to get to know her and boost her self esteem and as long as she doesn't let her ego get the best of her, I might actually commit to a long distance relationship with the bird.

I plan to leave in September for Japan, yes I am excited but no, I am not going entirely for play.
can't wait.

Well, I've got some finals to ace so, if you'll excuse me, I'll be back in a bit.
Till the next,


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Momentary Blip

Monster and Adderol. This can't be healthy.
...but such is life.
Put on the Pandora radio, switch to the Thievery Corporation station and study.

To understand one's self can justify what needs to be done in order to finish the job. It is when you don't understand yourself that you lose focus. Speaking of which, things can get pretty complicated when you go to a International University where everyone is trying to learn the English. I swear, all I ever do here is correct papers. Today I just had some random dude tell me that I should buy him something for his birthday. Huh? Yeah mon, things are starting to trip me out.

It makes me wonder if Edward Scissorshands was ever directly translated into Japanese.
You see all I want to do is help, but all that ever happens is that I get taken advantage of.
I am an adult, so therefore I must act as one. I always say 3o is the new 20 for two reasons. People are living to be older but also because people take longer nowadays to grow up.

Bullshit aside, I've got a midterm to study for.
Catch you on the next.
