Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bad luck sucks.

So in the past month I have had quite a great amount of bad luck.
So far...
My car has gotten broken into and towed
I was put on 3 day suspension from my job at Sergio's

Since my IBM backpack was stolen from my car, I have no way of uploading my pics.

Anyway, at least my newly revised schedule has allowed me to get some rest and catch up on a lot of things that I have been putting off (like this blog for example). I also need to start saving quite a bit of money considering I am planning on going to 日本 this May, roughly $5000.oo USD. I feel the Bad Luck turn around coming up soon therefore, I know I can do this. It's gonna have to take more than just a bad month to stop me from going.
I will be there this year.