Sunday, September 20, 2009

Solve for f(x) where x = interval between updates

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer updating this blog (because doing my math homework at this point is useless), lightheaded with a bit of pressure buildup on my temples asking myself, "Why the fuck did I just type all of this?". Truth be told, it's because I recently found out that quite a bit of people actually read this thing and really, that was quite pleasant to my ears.

I hate being sick. Seriously.
For me, it's unavoidable to the point where I just expect to contract the yearly updated virus of the one that went around in the previous year. The common "sick" I experienced last year was just plain nasty and included a variety of symptoms that could have composed a prix fixe menu properly titled something like "un goût de mort", where the fixed price is a week in bed and a box of tissues as the tip.

Luckily, this year's sickness feels a lot more mild to the point where I can still function and take care of everyday errands and appointments. Of course, let's still keep in mind that I am (currently) sick and I am actually experiencing symptoms however, it's just...mild. I do have this lightheaded feeling that occurs once in a while as well as a never-ending runny nose but, it's nothing major plus I can't afford to waste any time.

Between work, school, and sleep; I have quite little free time. Lately, I have been meaning to go up to tantalus in order to shoot a couple of pics off however, I decided to go down to my favorite coffee shop instead. Unlike Sinclair library, there is A/C (which doesn't blow as frigid as the Hamilton Library), coffee and food are readily available for purchase, and I don't need a school ID (which I feel idiotic about losing) to enter. Working on this blog has been like a interesting non-platonic relationship, where I keep coming back for more even after I've neglected it for so long. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that I accepted this challenge by creating it, so it's only right that I continue the journey till it's finished.

Whenever I have the time, I'll be back to update. Not sure how often I'll be back to do so but, I can definitely promise that I won't stop anytime soon. For this, is simply the beginning.


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