Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I'd like to wish everyone and their family a Merry Merry Christmas!

Today, was a day of thought.
Sit back and relax.
Somehow, I found the need to constantly edit this posting.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Finals Week


That was quite painless.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sorry to have kept you waiting / お待たせいたしました


Quite sad actually because it's not like I didn't have time to update this blog. Perhaps you could call it laziness or unmotivated but, I prefer to use the word "fatigue". Of course, this does not give me an excuse for the lack of updates this journal (of sorts) has seen. Strangely enough, I feel that I somewhat need these gaps in updates in order to conjure up a post with depth but, like I said earlier "no excuses". I also feel somewhat mad at myself for not posting the 1 year anniversary of this blog (obviously this was something of great importance.sarcasm) but, just in case you wanted to know my first post was on the 17th of November 2008. The only thing I can feel good about blaming for the delay is Modern Warfare 2. It's great stuff (in my opinion) but, if you happen to be a girl who is pissed off because your BF is addicted, I only have one piece of advice: "don't hate the player, hate the game".

So here I am, sitting at this same coffee shop where this blog was born. One year and about a month later, I am looking back at many of the events that have occurred during this past year. Lot's of things have changed, some of it is good and some of it is well...not so good but, I can say that I have learned lessons within each experience. I have found that dwelling on the past simply keeps me from moving forward, and I think the same may be for a lot of people. Anyway, I'll save the "Zen" stuff for my end of the year blog(which I hope I am not too *ahem* "fatigued" to complete).

Going off of the last post, I didn't end up buying the RX-7 but I did get something related to it. Definitely not as clean as the RX, or in as good shape but, I think I made the right choice. I ended up buying a 1994 Mazda Roadster in 5 spd MT. I definitely had to put a bunch of time, money and, most important, love. When I first got the car, it was in such terrible condition. I couldn't drive it more than 10 miles without overheating, tires were bald and, the clutch would work intermittently(Dealing with all of these problems at the same time, really fucking sucked). Considering I only picked this thing up for $1700.00 USD, I'd say it was somewhat expected. However, with a little bit of time and another $1700.00 later (Cooling system overhaul, New Tires, Redline trans fluid and diff fluid, Mobil 1 Full Synthetic Oil Change, clearing drain plugs) the change is definitely evident in a positive way. Servicing everything left me pretty much broke but, I consider transportation essential and it's even better when you can enjoy that trip. It's definitely the start of a good relationship.

Speaking of relationships, it's Christmas time again *sigh*. Normally, it's the best time of the year to spend with someone(I guess cause its one more present you can count on) but, I will be alone this year. Looking at the situation optimistically, it worked out nicely cause I really couldn't afford buying a Louis for anyone at this particular moment(not to say that all girls I date deserve Louie bags but along with trust, they will both come with time).

On another note, I have this weird stigma with Japanese girls. Perhaps I'm not trying hard enough? I'm not sure what it is really but, all I do know is that I haven't had the best of luck with them (the ones in HI at least). I guess I just have to wait till I go to Japan in March of next year in order to figure out whether or not I should just give it up (I highly doubt that though).



Yeah, don't think I've been sleeping on the photos.
..well, maybe just a little.
Blame it on the MW2.

Portrait Set(L-R)
3.Good party exemplar
5.Nice bug trap

Landscape Set(L-R)
1.Good Morning
3.Delay of Game

So now, I will hibernate until finals are over.
MW2 +HW+work= no time

But, before I go back to tweak mode...
I'd like to wish my sister a Happy Birthday!
Love ya Kel.

Back to reality S.S.D.D.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The 大 Update.

First things first...
I would like to congratulate t
he entire Brawn GP Formula 1 team on an excellent season and their sweep of both the Driver's and Constructor's Championships. Although the season has one race remaining, the title has already been determined.
Job well done and well deserved.

Lately, my shutter finger has been itching(especially with the lack of a SLR camera) and in turn, it's made me quite trigger happy. I recently brought my camera into my workplace and shot a couple of shots off (the fact that we were slow kinda helped). I also did something quite different from the previous pictures I posted...I basically desaturated everything. Yep, this set is shot purely in black and white and like usual, I did a slight edit in order to compensate for the lack of glass quality the W-120 carries...I wouldn't be surprised if it was made out of plastic =P (i keed, i keed) honestly isaight.

Anyway, without further adieu...

Set#1 "What's going on in the kitchen?"

Clockwise from top left:
1.One Speed
2.Dip Set
3.Indoor Halo
4.His name is really Washman

I'll be sure to post more sets in the near future. The next set (which I'm currently working on) is based off of the Mountain road in Hawaii called Tantalus. I'm still contemplating what to name some of the pics and even, the set itself.

School is a never ending journey. However, today was like no other day I've ever experienced. Normally I'm the shy guy in the corner, fixated on his homework, with earphones inserted playing the randomness that makes up any iTunes playlist. Quite the latter, I had the pleasure of having lunch with beautiful young woman in which we happened to carry a great conversation. Though the chance of getting with that one are pretty much slim to none, it was still nice to have a change from my normal 一人で lunch session, which tends to take no longer than 15 minutes and is usually "on the go".
Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to dream. lol.

Other than that, school and work are same ol' same ol'...difficult yet enjoyable(well maybe difficult is a bad adjective to describe work =P).

Might pick up this 1984 RX7.
Thing is cleeeeeeeeean!

That pretty much sums up the out.
Homework got me locked harder than a ultra-needy gf.

Till the next!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

(no subject)

We go our separate ways, perhaps for the better.
We go our separate ways, and we will meet again.
We go our separate ways, because you wanted it.

I need to finish what I started.
I do feel a bit guilty.
It was the right thing to do.

On another note
I took more pictures
Please check!



Sunday, October 4, 2009


Saw this on YouTube...


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Solve for f(x) where x = interval between updates

So here I am, sitting in front of my computer updating this blog (because doing my math homework at this point is useless), lightheaded with a bit of pressure buildup on my temples asking myself, "Why the fuck did I just type all of this?". Truth be told, it's because I recently found out that quite a bit of people actually read this thing and really, that was quite pleasant to my ears.

I hate being sick. Seriously.
For me, it's unavoidable to the point where I just expect to contract the yearly updated virus of the one that went around in the previous year. The common "sick" I experienced last year was just plain nasty and included a variety of symptoms that could have composed a prix fixe menu properly titled something like "un goût de mort", where the fixed price is a week in bed and a box of tissues as the tip.

Luckily, this year's sickness feels a lot more mild to the point where I can still function and take care of everyday errands and appointments. Of course, let's still keep in mind that I am (currently) sick and I am actually experiencing symptoms however, it's just...mild. I do have this lightheaded feeling that occurs once in a while as well as a never-ending runny nose but, it's nothing major plus I can't afford to waste any time.

Between work, school, and sleep; I have quite little free time. Lately, I have been meaning to go up to tantalus in order to shoot a couple of pics off however, I decided to go down to my favorite coffee shop instead. Unlike Sinclair library, there is A/C (which doesn't blow as frigid as the Hamilton Library), coffee and food are readily available for purchase, and I don't need a school ID (which I feel idiotic about losing) to enter. Working on this blog has been like a interesting non-platonic relationship, where I keep coming back for more even after I've neglected it for so long. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that I accepted this challenge by creating it, so it's only right that I continue the journey till it's finished.

Whenever I have the time, I'll be back to update. Not sure how often I'll be back to do so but, I can definitely promise that I won't stop anytime soon. For this, is simply the beginning.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Summer's End

Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end. The summer was good while it lasted, and as I enjoy the final sunsets of the second season and prepare for a bit of "chilly" and "layering", I have but one thing on my It seriously never ends. The good thing is that my schedule is quite flexible. The bad?(if you, the reader, even cares =P) Im studying at any chance of free time that life spares me. It's an excellent challenge which I find eccentrically exciting however, this leaves me little to no time to update this blog.

Speaking of which.
I just took my math exam...I'm positive that I failed. Don't be too quick to judge though, I studied my "ah-noose" off. I'm serious about that, I'm talking, getting off work and spending 5 hours in the library to finish up homework and study. It's disappointing really but, it does mean that I'm doing something wrong. There was one funny thing that I noticed(now that the exam is over) through all of this, there is such a thing as studying too hard(perhaps that's why I'm taking a break from studying to update this thing).

On that note, I've also been slacking on 日本語 studies. だめ!I know right? However, I did learn a new word that I found to be quite useful but, not one that should be used excessively.

(bu-ttow-n dey-roo-mah-soo)- to be "high" as fuck.

Got some pics that I took recently, did the edit to make up for colors that my Zeiss lens doesn't pick up.
I'm too lazy to start a flickr account, although it would make it my life easier.
How's that for irony?

Anyway, let me know what you think.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

it's been a while... / ひっさしぶり

My trip to Washington State was very relaxing yet, productive.
Unfortunately, I lost my camera's battery charger so i can't upload my pictures.
I will try to keep you updated until I either replace or find the charger.
Sorry for the inconvenience.


Thursday, April 30, 2009


Will be back soon...
Studying for finals...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

私の油絵 / My oil painting

B&W still life

Primavera はじめて.




Oil on Canvas
2 1/2ft x 4ft

Just wanted to post some work since people have been pushing me to do so.
Not exactly sure who i'm gonna give this one to however, I'm sure I'll figure it out.


Tuesday, April 14, 2009



I have too much things to do.
I'm studying/doing homework everyday.
I really want to drink a beer right now.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sunset Addict

The sunset in Hawaii never gets old.
From Hawaii to wherever you may be...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Kuli'ou'ou Hike

I recently hiked up Kuli'ou'ou Trail with my friend Atsushi
Pictures are below.

Atsushi liked the big truck since there are none like it in Japan.

We took the Ridge Trail.

Some parts of the trail made the hike, into a climb.

In the end...It was all worth it.

Panoramic Windward Side.

Had to leave my mark.

I recommend 2litres of water and a small snack.


It was very fun.
You can do it in about 3 hours.

Until the next.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Miss Monday feat. Kj from Dragon Ash, 森山直太朗, PES from RIP SLYME - The Light

Great Song..
Here's the PV for your enjoyment.

これはMiss MondayのPVです

Friday, March 6, 2009


So over the past months I've been slacking with this blog. Even if I think that no one reads it, there might be some small chance that someone does.
Therefore, I will now update you all with some interesting events that have occurred since the New Year started.

As most of you know, I do work for an online magazine appropriately titled We recently did a photoshoot of one of our models named Tsuki. This was quite fun, and below are some teasers from the shoot.

I have also taken up oil painting as one of my college courses.
So far, it's been one of the more enjoyable classes of the semester(considering that the rest are core classes, that title was not hard to earn)
Anyhow, the picture below is of one of the still life paintings I am currently working on.

Well, that's all I have time for to work.
Until the next.
