Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Momentary Blip

Monster and Adderol. This can't be healthy.
...but such is life.
Put on the Pandora radio, switch to the Thievery Corporation station and study.

To understand one's self can justify what needs to be done in order to finish the job. It is when you don't understand yourself that you lose focus. Speaking of which, things can get pretty complicated when you go to a International University where everyone is trying to learn the English. I swear, all I ever do here is correct papers. Today I just had some random dude tell me that I should buy him something for his birthday. Huh? Yeah mon, things are starting to trip me out.

It makes me wonder if Edward Scissorshands was ever directly translated into Japanese.
You see all I want to do is help, but all that ever happens is that I get taken advantage of.
I am an adult, so therefore I must act as one. I always say 3o is the new 20 for two reasons. People are living to be older but also because people take longer nowadays to grow up.

Bullshit aside, I've got a midterm to study for.
Catch you on the next.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why is it...

...that the one I want always wants someone else?