Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Finals @ HTIC

Holy Carp!
This is getting ridiculous.
In another excuse blog of "Why I can't give a proper update" I will proceed to let y'all know what is due by tomorrow.

My finals consist of...
A 7 page paper on the North Korean missile threat
A 15 minute presentation of the above topic
A 3 three page paper on the Clean Water Crisis in the global community
A 1200 word expository essay on Nativism and Immigration of the United States

I will now proceed to ask myself "Why the fuck am I posting this blog?"
Wish me luck!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mother Nihon

My prayers go out to everyone affected by the concurrent natural disasters that occurred in East Japan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If I didn't have so much to write...

I'd be writing here a lot more often.

It's amazing when I look back on some of the previous posts and go back to those particluar times within the past 2 years. It's amazing how much I have faced and how much I have persevered. I haven't taken the easiest route in life, nor the hardest but, somewhere in between the spectrum, is where I lay. I would say it's been a great adventure to my current point and although the times may get overwhelming, I know I must stick to it.

Status Quo
I am currently studying at Hawaii Tokai International College (HTIC) and so far, it's been an interesting experience. The people here seem fine on the outside but, I am not sure about their interior motives, it can be very frustrating at times. I leave for Las Vegas in 3 weeks and hopefully, I will be in Japan by the fall. Recently, I just had my DUI case re-filed and got convicted of all charges (yey). Unfortunately this means that I wont have my license for another year and I owe the state about $2500.00. Now let's be honest, this isn't the first time I 've been slapped back to square one however, it's nevertheless a shitty place to be. With that said, I hope y'all understand that I ain't gonna let this get me down...

Sorry, for making my first post of 2011 so effin' late.
As always, I'll try to update as much as possible but, please do not be alarmed if I am away for a while. This site is the opposite of my facebook and therefore gets checked and updated a lot less frequently.

So now what?
Now, I just do my work, go to school and do my best in everything that I do. Wish me luck, for this year is gonna be one hell of an adventure.