Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

The best marketing scheme ever.

Take a day named after a couple of Martyred priests and use it to sell millions of dollars worth of merchandise.

It's not that I am ag
ainst a special day to show your love, but I feel that true love should be shown every day of the year, and trust me...this type of love does exist. I have been a witness to such couple who are truly in love, however I do not have one to share this love myself. Speaking of which, I've never had the honor of actually being able to share a Valentine's Day with someone, much more a long term relationship. So naturally, you would think that I am against this holiday being celebrated, the concept yes, the love part no. However, amidst in search for this type of love, I had conjured up a plan several years ago and am currently trying to live out. Thus, my plan must be revealed. The layout is quite simple and very straightforward, yet it's what I long for.

The plan
learn Japanese, move to Japan, marry a nice Japanese girl, have kids, and enjoy life.

Happy Valentine's Day folks!

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